Studio Flow Execution Dataset

Major Version Number of the major version of the executed component (e.g. “2” in “2.1.x”).numberComponentNoDimension
Minor Version Number of the
minor version of
the executed
component (e.g.
"1" in "2.1.x").
Name Name of the executed component.stringComponentNoDimension
Patch Version Represents the
patch version of
the executed
The patch
accepts the
wildcard “x”,
represents the
latest patch
version under
the given minor
Title Title of the executed component.stringComponentNoDimension
Version Version of the executed component. This version information is a combination of the information displayed in the “Major Version”, “Minor Version” and “Patch Version” fields.stringComponentNoDimension
Name Name of the executed step.stringExecuted StepNoDimension
Step Definition ID Step's unique identifier, in the scope of the flow definition it belongs to.stringExecuted StepNoDimension
Flow Definition ID Flow version / definition unique identifier.stringFlow DefinitionNoDimension
Name Name of the executed flow.stringFlow DefinitionNoDimension
Call_SID Internal carrier assigned identifier used for troubleshooting purposes. Only filled on inbound voice flows.stringStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Component Name Name of the executed component.stringStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Component Version Version of the executed component.stringStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Destination Number Number the contact person used to reach Talkdesk, for inbound voice flow types.stringStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Duration Ms The amount of time, in milliseconds, the step takes to execute.numberStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Exit Name Name of the exit the step execution went through.stringStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Flow Definition ID Flow version / definition unique identifier.stringStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Flow Execution Finished Date The date when the Studio flow finished executing.dateyyyy-mm-ddStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Flow Execution Finished Month The month when the Studio Flow finished executing.dateyyyy-mmStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Flow Execution Finished Quarter The quarter when the Studio flow finished executing.dateyyyy-QxStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Flow Execution Finished Time The time when the Studio flow finished executing.dateyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Flow Execution Finished Week The week when the Studio flow finished executing.dateyyyy-mm-ddStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Flow Execution Finished Year The year when the Studio flow finished executing.dateyyyyStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Interaction_ID Interaction identifier, when the flow executes in the scope of an interaction. This value is unique for each flow execution.stringStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Origin Number Number the call came from. Only filled on inbound voice flows.stringStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Step Definition ID Step's unique identifier, in the scope of the flow definition it belongs to.stringStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Step Execution Order Sequence number of the step in the flow execution.numberStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Step Execution Started Date The date when the step started executing.dateyyyy-mm-ddStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Step Execution Started Month The month when the step started executing.dateyyyy-mmStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Step Execution Started Quarter The quarter when the step started executing.dateyyyy-QxStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Step Execution Started Time The time when the step started executing.dateyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Step Execution Started Week The week when the step started executing.dateyyyy-mm-ddStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Step Execution Started Year The year when the step started executing.dateyyyyStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Time In Step Execution The amount of time, in seconds, a step takes to execute.numberhh:mm:ssStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Time in Step Execution - Milliseconds The amount of time, in milliseconds, a step takes to execute.numberStudio Flow ExecutionNoDimension
Abandon Rate Average number of times a step exits through “room_finished”, meaning the call was abandoned by the contact person while in this step.number0.00%MeasuresNoMeasure
Looping Ratio Average number of loops in a step. A loop in a step occurs any time a flow execution re-enters that step.number0.00MeasuresNoMeasure
Number of Calls The total of times a step is executed in different flows. If a step is executed multiple times in the same flow execution, it will only count as one execution towards the calculation of “Number of Calls”.numberMeasuresNoMeasure
Number of Executions The total of times a step is executed. If a step is executed multiple times in the same flow execution, all those executions will count towards the calculation of “Number of Executions”.numberMeasuresNoMeasure
Time in IVR - Seconds Average amount of time, in seconds, a step takes to execute. If a step is executed multiple times in the same flow execution, each passing counts separately towards the calculation of “Time in IVR - Seconds”.numberMeasuresNoMeasure
Date By default is set for the past day. It can be changed according to users needs to provide a different time frame for the analysis.dateyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssYes
Timezone By default, filters the distribution to your Account Timezone. When updated, will reflect the updated hours according to the selected timezone.Yes